Keywords, __builtin__, and the Python standard library
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Python keywords
There are a limited number of keywords that form the Python language:
import keyword
['False', 'None', 'True', 'and', 'as', 'assert', 'break', 'class', 'continue', 'def', 'del', 'elif', 'else', 'except', 'finally', 'for', 'from', 'global', 'if', 'import', 'in', 'is', 'lambda', 'nonlocal', 'not', 'or', 'pass', 'raise', 'return', 'try', 'while', 'with', 'yield']
Note that variable names cannot be one of these keywords.
In addition, variables cannot be one of the __builtin__
objects (classes or
functions) listed below (although some of these are [IPython] specific and are
allowed outside of [IPython]).
['ArithmeticError', 'AssertionError', 'AttributeError', 'BaseException', 'BlockingIOError', 'BrokenPipeError', 'BufferError', 'BytesWarning', 'ChildProcessError', 'ConnectionAbortedError', 'ConnectionError', 'ConnectionRefusedError', 'ConnectionResetError', 'DeprecationWarning', 'EOFError', 'Ellipsis', 'EnvironmentError', 'Exception', 'False', 'FileExistsError', 'FileNotFoundError', 'FloatingPointError', 'FutureWarning', 'GeneratorExit', 'IOError', 'ImportError', 'ImportWarning', 'IndentationError', 'IndexError', 'InterruptedError', 'IsADirectoryError', 'KeyError', 'KeyboardInterrupt', 'LookupError', 'MemoryError', 'NameError', 'None', 'NotADirectoryError', 'NotImplemented', 'NotImplementedError', 'OSError', 'OverflowError', 'PendingDeprecationWarning', 'PermissionError', 'ProcessLookupError', 'ReferenceError', 'ResourceWarning', 'RuntimeError', 'RuntimeWarning', 'StopIteration', 'SyntaxError', 'SyntaxWarning', 'SystemError', 'SystemExit', 'TabError', 'TimeoutError', 'True', 'TypeError', 'UnboundLocalError', 'UnicodeDecodeError', 'UnicodeEncodeError', 'UnicodeError', 'UnicodeTranslateError', 'UnicodeWarning', 'UserWarning', 'ValueError', 'Warning', 'ZeroDivisionError', '__IPYTHON__', '__IPYTHON__active', '__build_class__', '__debug__', '__doc__', '__import__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', 'abs', 'all', 'any', 'ascii', 'bin', 'bool', 'bytearray', 'bytes', 'callable', 'chr', 'classmethod', 'compile', 'complex', 'copyright', 'credits', 'delattr', 'dict', 'dir', 'divmod', 'dreload', 'enumerate', 'eval', 'exec', 'filter', 'float', 'format', 'frozenset', 'get_ipython', 'getattr', 'globals', 'hasattr', 'hash', 'help', 'hex', 'id', 'input', 'int', 'isinstance', 'issubclass', 'iter', 'len', 'license', 'list', 'locals', 'map', 'max', 'memoryview', 'min', 'next', 'object', 'oct', 'open', 'ord', 'pow', 'print', 'property', 'range', 'repr', 'reversed', 'round', 'set', 'setattr', 'slice', 'sorted', 'staticmethod', 'str', 'sum', 'super', 'tuple', 'type', 'vars', 'zip']
Built in Python components
In addition to both keywords and __builtin__
objects, the Python standard
library has very many built-in features and routines that make it a joy to
program in.
Warning It is best if you never assign a new variable to have the same name as that found in the Python standard library
The following list includes both the hidden and standard library components from your computer. The code to generate this list is found below, however, I do not expect you to understand this code so view at your own risk ;)
Python standard library
sndhdr textwrap cmd mimetypes io pyclbr linecache termios sunau site mailcap
re pdb sysconfig xmlrpc pstats crypt selectors asynchat fnmatch locale
xdrlib importlib plistlib datetime types ftplib imp keyword queue gettext
glob enum pty this shlex string os pickle traceback aifc imghdr http timeit
resource parser getpass tabnanny codeop copyreg socket token xml cProfile
asyncore functools sre_parse pipes fileinput nis threading distutils wsgiref
tracemalloc colorsys antigravity ctypes bisect symtable platform struct
warnings email gzip formatter readline dummy_threading bz2 uuid imaplib
py_compile pkgutil urllib decimal asyncio fractions venv idlelib collections
bdb csv sre_compile dis stringprep base64 json rlcompleter configparser
codecs smtpd audioop mailbox turtle posixpath poplib sre_constants numbers
mmap runpy cgi lib2to3 symbol statistics pprint inspect html macpath
unittest operator compileall sitecustomize sqlite3 copy trace uu tempfile
heapq quopri hashlib tkinter nntplib logging doctest shelve fpectl sched
opcode macurl2path concurrent optparse shutil ntpath argparse lzma pathlib
webbrowser contextlib hmac getopt netrc tty pydoc dbm subprocess weakref
encodings calendar modulefinder xxlimited test nturl2path socketserver stat
pydoc_data telnetlib tarfile cmath smtplib curses chunk pickletools zipfile
multiprocessing random wave genericpath code binhex filecmp ast difflib ssl
ipaddress tokenize abc reprlib cgitb profile ossaudiodev
Python hidden standard library
_markupbase _testcapi _compat_pickle _json _testimportmultiple _curses
_codecs_cn _weakrefset _strptime __phello__ _osx_support _sysconfigdata
_ctypes _dbm _bz2 _codecs_tw _collections_abc _multibytecodec
_multiprocessing _crypt _testbuffer _hashlib _codecs_jp _threading_local
_ssl _pyio _codecs_kr _opcode _codecs_hk _sitebuiltins _decimal _bootlocale
_lzma _sqlite3 _dummy_thread _codecs_iso2022 _lsprof __future__ _ctypes_test
_curses_panel _csv _gdbm
import os
import imp
import sys
import pprint
import distutils.sysconfig
std_lib = distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib(standard_lib=True)
std_set = set()
hidden_set = set()
for top, dirs, files in os.walk(std_lib):
for fn in files:
# Remove the std_lib path from the path
prefix = top.replace(std_lib, '').replace(os.path.sep, '')
if prefix.count('site-packages') > 0:
if fn == '':
item = top[len(std_lib) + 1:]
elif fn[-3:] == '.py':
item = os.path.join(prefix, fn)[:-3]
elif fn[-3:] == '.so' and top[-11:] == 'lib-dynload':
item = fn[0:-3]
# Only consider top level imports
item = item.split(os.path.sep)[0]
if item.count('.') > 0:
item = item.split('.')[0]
# Only add items that you can actually import
except ImportError as e:
if item.startswith('_'):
def format_set(raw_set):
return pprint.pformat(' '.join(list(raw_set))).replace("'", '')
print('**Python standard library**\n\n```\n{}\n```'.format(format_set(std_set)))
print('\n**Python hidden standard library**\n\n```\n{}\n```'.format(format_set(hidden_set)))